Project Manager Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A. Sarriguren, Navarra, Spain
Presentation Description: Most of the traditional control strategies that are implemented in actual power converter systems are based on grid-following strategies that do not actively contribute to grid stability. In a grid with an increasingly higher number of IBR, this can result in instabilities and limitations on the integration of additional generation systems. To overcome this issue and strengthen the grid, it has been developed grid-forming algorithms for IBRs These algorithms allow the IBRs to function as a voltage-source, imposing an amplitude and frequency instead of following connection’s grid voltage. From the different grid-forming strategies (Droop, VSM, Machine Matching, Virtual Oscillator), a droop control-type is selected for implementation on a DFIG wind turbine’s converter. The study presents the results of the implementation of such control and the advantages and limitations of such a strategy regarding grid integration requirements. It allows a greater integration of renewables in weaker grids, providing traditional generation-alike generation capabilities regarding grid stability. Additionally, it advances in the fulfilment of future grid codes, that will gradually include grid-forming requirements in their regulations. The use and combination of grid-forming strategies on DFIG wind turbines can be a adequate and cost-effective way to increase grid stability and comply with future grid-codes.