Energy & Renewables Sector Head, Talent Solutions Aon Bloomington, Minnesota
Presentation Description: The Energy Transition is here and moving quickly. The overwhelming demand for talent to employ this sector, in particular over the past two years, is keeping HR professionals up at night. Candidates are asking for high salaries, rapid career promotion and work/life flexibility. How long can this last? What does the data say to back up these job offers?
At Aon, we’ve been collecting compensation data for this industry for several years. We will share our insights and trends on where this industry is today and where we expect it to go tomorrow. Aon’s Radford McLagan Compensation Database (RMCD) is a world-class database known within the HR industry.
Renewable industry insights and trends that we will share include: - Salary increase trends - Jobs with the highest salary movements - Short-term and Long-term incentive trends - Attraction and retention tools and trends - The role of skills - How AI impacts jobs